Live in Care
Bespoke live in care for clients who have specialist conditions to include Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Stroke Care, Palliative care, Dementia care. Our client focused and highly trained live in carers provide expert quality care.
We support clients to remain in their own home safely and enjoy happy moments to improve their well being. The care from our skill matched live in carers is personalised, based on 1:1 support that allow our clients to make informed choices and express wishes and preferences.
Domiciliary Care
Within our Domiciliary care, our service is designed to meet the needs of Children and Adult in the community who live in their own home and want to remain as part of the family. Services offered maybe either long term or short term. Support vary with clients’ needs to include, dementia, end of life care, Parkinson disease and acquired brain injury.
We also support clients who has limiting conditions to include physical or sensory disability, Asperger’s and autism spectrum disorder and mental ill health. The services aim to enable clients maintain normal social networks, access leisure activities and meet day to day needs supported in a person centred way.
The tasks vary to include helping with personal hygiene, companionship, washing, dressing, planning the day to day activities, feeding, participate in activities at home and within the local community.
Supported Living Services
Our supported living services is aimed at helping service users developed their social skills and independence living in a homely environment in a property specifically adapted according to their needs. This varies from where service users are involved in household tasks or going out and about.
The accommodation varies from shared to individual needs led properties. We support service users to achieve their goals and any life’s ambitions to include preparing them to live independently in their own homes with minimum or no support.
Complex Care
24-hour Waking Night Support
Around the clock support in your own home, residential and supported living services. We offer any support to service users with complex health care needs from our experienced registered nurses, health care assistants and support workers.
The support is tailored to meet your complex specific needs to include learning disability support, end of life care, acquired brain injuries, life limiting condition and physical disability support. The support will range from basic day to day support to health-related support such as peg feeding, stoma care, oral suctioning, tracheotomy management, bowel management and administration of medication.
Great Prospects complex care and 24hr service is suitable for service users who need continuing health care following a hospital discharge, long term physical health and disabilities needing long term support in their family homes.
Community Support
With Access to Recreational Facilities, Outside Social and Leisure Activities
We support and encouraged service users to continue living in their own homes and access the community around them. This service empowers and enable services users to make their own decisions and choices where possible about the things that affect them. Our outreach team support service users to remain independent as possible by supporting them to access relevant medical appointments, access the community, days out to theme parks and places of interest. Our outreach support team are free and happy to visit you at the time that suits you. We encourage service users to take positive risks and develop their independence further.
With Engaging in Work, Training Education and Volunteering
At Great Prospects care services, we understand that support for young people leaving school remain variable. We support young adults, identified to be on the autistic spectrum, have a disability, leaving care and those entitled to adult social care. We signpost them to other sources of guidance and support in the community.
With our experienced personal assistance, we focus our services in helping young people to engage in work, paid or unpaid, training and continue in education. We achieve this by working in partnership with local organisations and social care departments and involve young people and their families in multi-agency transition planning.